MaMA Festival & Convention

PARIS / Pigalle – Montmartre

privacy policy

Privacy Policy

Terms of Use and Privacy Policy of MaMA Music & Convention for the use of the (“Website”). Your access, visitation and/or use of the Site, including without limitation any registration on any aspect of the Site, will constitute your agreement to these Terms of Use and to the Privacy Policy.


The MaMA Music & Convention Site, which is accessible at the following url: (hereinafter the “Site”), is created, developed and operated by MaMA Event SARL (MaMA Music & Convention), which the headoffice is based in France, Paris 75019, 46 rue Bouret, registered at Paris RCS 509243259 and Licences n°2-1068149 & 3-1068150.

The Site offers a free source of information about the events produced by MaMA, respectively the Music event and the Convention, with a set of features further described. MaMA takes the protection of your data very seriously. With this privacy policy we want to transparently inform you about which personal data (“your data”) we collect, process and use if you visit our website and/or use the MaMA Music & Convention website.

The Site is owned by MaMA. Unless otherwise indicated, all of the content featured or displayed on the Site, including, but not limited to, text, articles, graphics, data, photographic images, moving images, sound, illustrations, software and the selection and arrangement thereof (“MaMA Content”), is owned by MaMA, its licensors or its third-party image partners. All elements of the Site, including the MaMA Content, are protected by copyright, trademark, moral rights and other laws relating to the protection of intellectual property.


By using the Site, you represent and warrant that you are over the age of 18 and are lawfully able to accept these Site Terms. If you are using the Site on behalf of any entity, you further represent and warrant that you are authorised to accept these Site Terms on such entity’s behalf, and that such entity agrees to indemnify MaMA Music & Convention for violations of these Site Terms.

2.1 Why this privacy policy? 
MaMA Music & Convention adapted its privacy policy to the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and informs you, the users, through this page about how we collect, store, process and disclose data about you. The GDPR replaces the Data Protection Directive 95/46/EC. It is designed to harmonise data privacy laws across Europe, to protect and empower all EU citizens data privacy and to reshape the way organisations across the region approach data privacy. It also addresses the export of personal data outside the EU. The new regulation came into effect on 25 May 2018. Access to the (referred to as “the Website”) implies full and unconditional acceptance by the user of this Privacy Policy. The User acknowledges having read the information below and authorizes MaMA Music & Convention to deal, in accordance with what is specified below, with the personal data he/she communicates on/to the Website within the framework of the service proposed by MaMA Music & Convention. The Privacy Policy is valid for all the hosted pages on the Website and for the savings of this Website. It is not valid for the hosted pages by third parties that MaMA Music & Convention may redirect to and where their privacy policies may differ. MaMA Music & Convention cannot be held responsible for any data processed on these websites or by them.

2.2 Who processes personal data? 
Processing responsible: Access to the Website shall be possible without having to provide personal data, such as, for example, surname, first name, postal address, e-mail address, etc.


2.2.1 What data is MaMA Music& Convention collecting about its users?
Data that you voluntarily provide to us: When you send us an email or subscribe for one of our email lists, you are voluntarily giving us information. This may include either:
– Personal identification data: your name, first name, address, details regarding the organisation you work for, your title or occupation
– Contact data: phone number or email
– Electronic identification data: IP address, cookies, location
– Content: the text of your email or remarks in a form

By giving us this information, you consent to this information being collected, stored and used by us.
Data that we collect automatically: We use cookies when you navigate our website. Cookies are small files that are stored on your device via internet browsers. Our website collects a series of general data and information when you use it. This general data and information are stored on our website’s server log files. Through the use of cookies, we can provide you with more user-friendly services that would not be possible without the cookie setting. You can learn more about how we use cookies and how you can manage them in our Cookies Notice at point 3.

Registered information on visited servers: When the User accesses the Website, the visited servers automatically save certain data, such as the type of domain with which the User connects to the Internet, the IP address assigned to the User (when logged in), the date and time of access to the Website and other traffic data, location data or other communication data, viewed pages, type of browser used, platform and / or system, the search engine as well as the keywords used to retrieve the Website, etc. However, no personal data identifying the User is collected through these savings. This information is kept for statistical and improvement purposes only.


2.2.2 How does MaMA Music & Convention use my data?
General Purposes, the data that we collect via our services and channels are used to:
– Market and disseminate our services, products, projects and activities to users of the website and subscribers of the mailing list.
– Set up and manage the organisation’s contact database in our CRM system and other database systems.

– Provide the customer with a tailored range of services.
– Analyse audiences use of our website and other communication channels to adapt and improve the content and user experience of the Website; to detect and / or prevent fraud or similar activities of an illegal nature; to respond to requests for information; for any other purpose for which the User has expressly consented.


2.2.3 How does MaMA Music & Convention collect data?
We use third-party services for communicating with our audiences, and our websites may contain links to other sites hosted by others. Different rules may apply to their collection, use, or disclosure of your personal data. We encourage you to review other platforms’ privacy policies before using them. We do not control, and are thus not responsible for, the content or privacy practices and policies of such other sites and under no circumstances shall we have any liability whatsoever for the activities conducted by or at any website accessed from or through our website.

Websites: We are committed to protecting your privacy when you visit our website and those of our projects. By using our websites, you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of our Privacy Policy. In our websites, we integrate Google Analytics, with the anonymiser function. Through Google Analytics, we collect, gather, and analyse data about the behaviour of our websites’ visitors. For instance: the website from which a person has come, which sub-pages were visited, or how often and for what duration a sub-page was viewed. We use this information for the optimisation of our websites.
Read our Cookie Notice to know more about Google Analytics and how we use cookies on our websites in point 3. Through the use of Google Analytics, the identity of the individual (Name, Surname) remains anonymous. We also propose the user the opportunity to log with his Facebook account on our Music event and Convention Programming page. This process allows him to memorize his favorite artists and make his own planning. These action does not create a personal account on the website. This service only provides the opportunity for the visitor to customize his use of the website content.


Email Marketing: On our website, you have the opportunity to subscribe to our email lists. We use a third-party provider, Weezetarget, to deliver our emails and enewsletters. Through this application, we gather statistics around email opening and clicks using industry standard technologies, such as tracking pixels embedded in our email, helping us monitor and improve the communication with our audience. For more information about Weezetarget, read their privacy notice. If you are subscribed to one of our email lists and no longer want to be contacted by us, please unsubscribe directly from our newsletter or contact us at to update or delete your data.

Social media: We use Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn to communicate and interact with our audiences. For more information about their terms of service and privacy policies, check Facebook’s Data Policy, Instagram Privacy, Twitter’s Privacy Policy and LinkedIn Policy.

Links: Our websites may include links to websites operated by third parties over which we have no control. Once you leave our websites, our Privacy Policy will not apply.


2.2.4 How long does MaMA Music & Convention store my data?
We don’t retain your personal data for longer than is necessary for our organisational purposes or legal requirements. If you are a user of our services or a partner, we keep your information until you decide to revoke the permission to contact you. Regarding general dissemination of information about our activities, we retain your personal data for as long as you remain subscribed to our email lists and communication channels. Pieces of information collected from our visitor’s activity on the website are stored longer by Google Analytics and depend of the policy privacy of the software itself.


2.2.5 What are my rights regarding the data that MaMA Music & Convention has collected about me?
The new EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) empowers EU citizens with certain rights that we are committed to guarantee:
– Right to information: You may ask us for information about what personal data we are collecting and how we are processing it.
– Right to access: You are entitled to view and request copies of your personal data that we have collected and processed.
– Right to rectification: You may ask for modifications in your personal data, including incomplete data to be completed or incorrect data to be corrected.
– Right to withdraw consent: You may change your mind regarding your data, and withdraw a previously given consent for processing your personal data for a specific purpose. Should you request it, we would stop the processing of the personal data that was based on the consent provided earlier.
– Right to object: you may prohibit certain uses for your data.
– Right to object to automated processing: You may object to automated processing. Using this right, you may ask for your requests to be reviewed manually.
– Right to be forgotten: you may request that we delete all your personal data without undue delay. It is important to note that this is not an absolute right and depends on the retention schedule and retention period of some data in line with other applicable laws.
– Right for data portability: You may ask us to transfer your personal data. As part of such request, you may ask for your personal data to be provided back or transferred to another organisation.

When doing so, your personal data must be provided or transferred in a machine-readable electronic format. If you wish to make use of your rights, please send a written request accompanied by proof of your identity to the following postal address : MaMA Music & Convention, 46 Rue Bouret 75019 Paris, France or to the following email address: We will respond within 1 month after receipt of your request.



Browsing this website you accept the use of cookies according to the following cookies policy.

3.1 What are cookies?
Cookies are strings of text (small files) which the websites a user visits send to the user’s terminal (pc, tablet, smartphone, etc.), where they are memorised and sent back to the site from which they came the next time the same user visits the site.

3.2 Types of cookies and their purposes
The cookies used on this website are of the following types:

Technical cookies: these allow users to enjoy quick, optimised browsing of the website and efficient use of the various services and/or options it offers, for instance by allowing users to make a purchase or log on to access restricted areas. These cookies are necessary to improve use of the website, but can be deactivated.

Analysis cookies: anonymous, aggregate web analysis tools which provide information on how users use the website, how they came to it, the number and duration of their visits, etc. These cookies allow us to make improvements to the website which will facilitate access by users and to prepare statistics. These cookies are not necessary for optimal use of the website and may therefore be deactivated.

Third party cookies: cookies installed on the user’s terminal by third-party website operators through this website. Third party cookies, the primary aim of which is analysis, mostly result from Google Analytics functions. To disable cookies and prevent Google Analytics from collecting browsing data, download the additional browser component for deactivation of Google Analytics by clicking on the following link:


Customer Support. To find more information about MaMA Music & Convention services and its features or if you need assistance with your account, please visit 46 rue Bouret 75019 Paris – FRANCE, or call +33.(0)